Title: Development of the water routes network in Latvia and Lithuania by further expanding the cross-border tourism product www.riverways.eu
Project acronym: WaterWays (LL-00011)
Project objective: Project objective is to develop the waterways network in Latvia and Lithuania by further expanding existing cross-border tourism product riverways.eu through designing of a network of lakes for recreational activities and rivers for kayaking in whole Programme area. Through cross-border cooperation, it will result with joint comprehensive information of water tourism based activities in lakes and rivers on www.riverways.eu, covering full customer journey. “Safe&Green” concept will facilitate safe and nature friendly tourism and decrease unexpected anthropogenic load on natures resources used for tourism, as well as contribute to more responsible and educated travellers’ society. 6 recreational sites near waters will be developed, contributing to the accessible nature resources for water-based activities.
Planned activities
- Lake & river expeditions to collect to upload the accessed and qualifying recreational lakes & rivers on www.riverways.eu with GPS, photos, descriptions;
- Introduction of a Safe&Green Concept through service providers to promote environmentally responsible behaviour during the water-based recreation near by lakes &rivers;
- Improvement of access to water bodies: 4 in Kurzeme & 2 in Klaipeda region;
- Marking of destinations with RIVERWAYS brand;
- Events for tourism stakeholders – workshops on safety, environment, product development etc.;
- Webpage upgrade & Branding of waterways network – RIVERWAYS symbol;
- Travel Guide on lakes in Latvia & Lithuania.
Project results
- As a result of the project, an increase in the number of visitors is expected to the Lat-Lit Programme area by 10800.
Project lead partner:
- Kurzeme Planning Region (LV).
Project partners:
- Saldus County Municipality (LV);
- Talsi County Municipality (LV;
- Kuldiga County Municipality (LV);
- Administration of Liepāja City municipality (LV);
- Klaipeda District Municipality Administration (LT);
- Kretinga District Municipality Administration (LT);
- Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association (LT).
Project duration
01.03.2024 – 28.02.2026
Project budget: EUR:719581.20
ERDF co-financing: EUR 575664,96
Project Manager in Kurzeme Planning Region: Viktorija Reine, Project Manager of Kurzeme Planning Region, phone: +371 28232978, E-mail: viktorija.reine@kurzemesregions.lv