About Kurzeme region
Values and characteristics:
- More than 365 km long Baltic sea coast;
- Ports established on the Baltic Sea coast – Liepāja, Ventspils, Pāvilosta- and on the coast of Riga Gulf – Pāvilosta, Roja, Mērsrags;
- Renewable energy resources – wind, sea waves, sun, biomass, thermal waters;
- Nature protected areas (Natura 2000) – National park, nature parks and reserves;
- Cultural heritage and traditions – fishing villages, small historical towns, events
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About Kurzeme planning region
Kurzeme planning region (hereinafter – KPR) was established by the Law on Regional Development and at the end of 2006 formed as Public equivalent body with development council and administration as an executive body.
Kurzeme Planning Region Development Council is decision maker institution consisting from representatives of 8 Kurzeme municipalities.
The Administration ensures implementation of the Council decisions as well as ensures organizational and technical provision of work of the Council and the Region Cooperation Comission and prepares issues and documents for consideration in the Council, permanent committees and cooperation commission.
The Administration ensures representation of interests of the whole region and its municipalities in work with state administration institutions and foreign partners with the aim to facilitate socioeconomic development of the planning region. Financing of work comes from government and projects.
KPR Main tasks are:
- plan and coordinate socioeconomic development in Kurzeme,
- set development priorities and identify investment projects,
- represent regional interests at national and international level,
- promote municipal cooperation,
- monitor and improve public transport provide information on possibilities of EU Structural funds.
The Kurzeme Planning Region Entrepreneurship center and Kurzeme Planning Region Public Transport Department (KPRPTD) are subordinated to the Administration.
KPR has experience implementing projects with budget from 20 000 to 1milj. EUR supported by EU or other funds. KPR finished or continues implement more than 15 projects on different fields – regional development, capacity building, environment, transport, lifelong learning, business support etc. Project partners vary from local municipalities, NGOs, entrepreneurs to public bodies of Latvia and other countries.
KPR also has cooperation with research institutions like Technical University of Latvia and Ventspils University College.
We are looking to start or join projects and we can offer our region for the pilot actions.