S002 “BSR Food Coalition”
30 September 2024 was the last day for our 2-years long project, hich is now formally finished. As part of the proejct, we had many interesting activities and events:
- Target group surveys;
- Focus group discussions;
- Training of municipalities’ procurement specialists;
- Master classes for school chefs;
- Experience exchange visits beteen Kurzeme region schools;
- Experience exchange visit to Tartu and Voru regions in Estonia;
- A new sub-section “Zemnieku produkti” (in ENG – Farmers’ products) on website www.razotskurzeme.lv with locally grown produce offers by 25 Kurzeme farmers, i.a. for schools.
This project was the first one we had in the field of school meals, aiming to facilitate the presence of locally grown products in school meals. As the respondents in the rezultātu aptaujā, var atzīmēt gan vairākus ieguvumus, gan joprojām esošus izaicinājumus: survey of the final project results acknowledged, both, several benefits and still existing challenges can be noted:
- The project facilitated acquiring new knowledge, changing and diversifying school meals, promoring variety in food and popularising a healthy diet;;
- School-kids and staff involved in the project improved their knowledge about healthy eating habits, while caterers and checfs had a chance to learn from their colleagues, incl. in other countries, and use the new knowledge in designing school menus;
- Best practice from other countries in promoting local food in schools;
- Truly great experience from Estonia, when local authority reopresentatives and school chefs had an in-depth insight in school catering system in Tartu and Voru regions. We have something to learn from!
- Information about 25 farmers and their production is published on the website www.razotskurzeme.lv, which is one of the “tangible” project results. The school, client or any other interested party can now easily find information and contacts about the farms and their production. Compared to last year, several farms’ demand for their production has grown, in addition, there are more offers for farmers to be engaged in various activities;
- It is essention to keep working on improvement of municipalities’ procurement system;
- Targets can be reached when there’s sufficient financing for their realisation.
To quote Laila Roga, the Director of Z.Mauriņa Secondary School of Grobiņa:

“Quality, variety regularity and positive mutual relations are the priority of our school dining. Visual attraction of canteen and colorfullness, presentation of the meal are the next significant aspects. As well as the ability to understand each child’s individual eating habits, so that every tummy is full!”
For our 10 pilot schools and chefs we wish all the success in their continuous efforts to prepare and offer healthy and more locally gwown school meals to our kids!
Project activities are being implemented with the support of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021-2027.
Information provided by:
Alise Lūse,
BSR Food Coalition Project Manager,
Kurzeme Planning Region,
Phone: + 371 26567874, alise.luse@kurzemesregions.lv