Towards improved coastal management: The case studies in Latvia within the Baltic Sea2Land multi-level governance setting

Latvia boasts almost a 500 km long coastline that hosts many valuable and unique habitats and species, and simultaneously serves as a hub for economic activities and development, as well as home to coastal communities that make up a significant part of the Latvian population. Clearly, the multifaced role of the coast makes the task

Fostering integrated governance for the joint sustainable use of human and natural capital in the near shore zone

FOSTERING INTEGRATED GOVERNANCE FOR THE JOINT SUSTAINABLE USE OF HUMAN AND NATURAL CAPITAL IN THE NEAR SHORE ZONE BALTIC SEA2LAND The project Baltic Sea2Land equips public authorities with the navigator tool that helps harmonise land and marine planning and balance initiatives that impact coastal development. DURATION: 01.01.2023. – 31.12.2025. PROJECT TOTAL BUDGET: 3 447 155,80