WaterMan Study Trip Water recycling as an instrument for safeguarding climate-resilient water supply in humid regions

As part of the Waterman project, a second study trip took place from January 14–16,

WaterMan project team meeting in Denmark

The partners of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region project “WaterMan” met in Kalundborg, Denmark, at

Workshop and study visit in Schweinfurt

Climate change is a process that refers to long-term changes in the Earth’s climate. These

WaterMan kick off – Kalmar and Västervik

The WaterMan project started in January this year and will run for three years with

WaterMan promotes the reuse of water in the Baltic Sea Region

WaterMan – promotes the reuse of water in the Baltic Sea Region. In the project


WaterMan promotes the reuse of water in the Baltic Sea Region. Thus, it adds a new element to water management that can make water supply more climate resilient. WaterMan project will supply with knowledge and tools to develop strategic approaches and to implement concrete measures that bring water reuse into practice.

01.01.2023. – 31.12.2025.

Total budget of the project is € 4,377,046.18, including ERDF financing €3,501,636.90. Kurzeme planning region budget part of the project is €197,99.99, including ERDF financing  €158,399.99.

 Project manager
Aija Neilande
+371 26147139

More about the project