Webinar “Creating “Light in the Dark” experiences” on 10th of April

Project No. C034 Join us on our first Light in the Dark webinar where we will offer inspiring examples of companies and destinations innovatively developing their region throughout the year. What is the potential in the regional and European markets? How can I attract tour operators to my region? An invited panel of destinations and

WaterWays project description

Title: Development of the water routes network in Latvia and Lithuania by further expanding the cross-border tourism product www.riverways.eu Project acronym: WaterWays (LL-00011) Project objective: Project objective is to develop the waterways network in Latvia and Lithuania by further expanding existing cross-border tourism product riverways.eu through designing of a network of lakes for recreational activities and

“The Light in the Dark” project is creating exciting season-extending experiences

Project No. C034 Light in the Dark is an Interreg Baltic Sea Region project aimed at developing innovative experiences to extend and create new seasons beyond the traditional summer season. The Challenge Inventory survey is conducted in all participating countries: Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. It is aimed at SME’s in the Northern Baltic

“Access Routes” project experience exchange visit in Estonia

On 15-16 February 2024, 30 project representatives from Kurzeme and Vidzeme regions visited Estonia to learn about accessibility solutions at cultural heritage objects, museums and nature. On the first day, 15 February, we visited the Vastseliina Episcopal castle complex with a museum of medieval life and a modern Pilgrim’s house featuring an educational exposition in

“Light in the Dark” project starts analyzing nature tourism in key markets

Project No. C034 With the support of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, the project “Light in the Dark”, implemented by Kurzeme Planning Region and its partners, will explore the needs, expectations, experiences and interests of nature tourists in the Baltic Sea Region countries as well as on the Kurzeme coast. The survey aims to

“Access Routes” local project forum in Saldus

On 24 January 2024 in Saldus, together with NGO Apeirons, municipalities from Kurzeme, tourism specialists and guides, Kurzeme Planning Region organised a local open forum as part of the Project “Development of accessible tourism routes” (Access Routes) to discuss about facilitation of accessibility at culturally-historical objects in Kurzeme! What to do to make museums, expositions

Garden Pearls II – Project description

Project Nr. EE-LV00038 Project Objective:  Project aims to create a single network of accessible gardens, parks and nature trails to improve garden tourism and improve sustainable tourism supply. Implementation period: 10.11.2023 – 30.09.2026. Project implementers: Project managing Partner: Vidzeme Tourism Association, https://www.vidzeme.com/lv/ Project partners: Kurzeme Planning Region; https://www.kurzemesregions.lv/ Riga Planning Region; https://rpr.gov.lv/ NGO “Garden Pearls”; Municipality of

Light in the Dark Light in the Dark – Increasing resilience in rural and coastal tourism in the northern Baltic Sea Region by developing off-season experiences

Project No.:C034 PROJECT GOALS: The off-season period; fall, winter and spring in the northern Baltic Sea Region is dark and cold, and often without snow because of proximity to and humidity from the sea. This causes challenges for tourism and the problem is especially profound in rural and coastal areas in the northern Baltic Sea

The first meeting of the partners of the project ‘Garden Pearls II’ has taken place

On November 10, 2023, partners from Latvia and Estonia gathered in person at the Smiltene Technical School for a joint meeting on the ‘Garden Pearls’ project. In total, there are 17 partners involved in the project, including 12 from Latvia and 5 from Estonia. The project is a continuation of the previously implemented ‘Garden Pearls

Green Railway II – Project description

EE-LV00057 – Green Railway II Project Objective:  Project aims to increase access to the product and related services for different target groups, such as children, parents of young children, the elderly and people with disabilities (incl. temporary),as well as to incorporate social innovation, inclusion and accessibility into product and service design process. Project continues to