During this summer there were three unusual tourism destinations opened to public within the project “Industrial heritage” administered by the Kurzeme planning region: Aizpute water towerchanged into view tower, former railway station “Airītes” opened new waiting room, cashiers room and a small exposition. Additionally, Ovīši lighthouse offers absolutely new interactive exposition.
“In Latvia there are many industrial heritage buildings and sites that from abandoned objects could be transformed into really exiting tourism objects. We will give a new life altogether to 26 objects in Latvia and Estonia with support of the Europe, moreover five of them in Kurzeme. Aizpute water tower, former railway station “Airītes” and Ovīši lighthouse near Ventspils undergone remarkable changes and are open to public now, but Pāce wool factory and Kuldīga needle factory are being improved at the moment,” reflects Jana Kalve, the Project manager of the “Industrial heritage”.
The former Aizpute water tower turned from a degraded object to a fascinating view tower with a wonderful panorama view on Aizpute and its surroundings. You can find out the history of water supply systems here as well. The 27m high tower was opened to public in June and had already many visitors since then.
Industrial heritage is considered as all buildings that are not being used anymore due to development of the technologies and industry. During the INTERREG Estonia – Latvia cross-border programme 2014.-2020 project 26 objects in Estonia and Latvia to be improved and developed as tourism products giving them a new life. In addition, there will be established a joint route to demonstrate the industrial heritage and unite all the industrial heritage objects as well as represent other industrial heritage sites.
All objects and current events please find here:
Jana Kalve,
Kurzeme planning region
Project Manager
Mobile phone 29524558,
e-mail: jana.kalve@kurzemesregions.lv,
The above reflects author’s views and the Managing Authority of Estonia-Latvia Programme is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.