Contributing to the maintenance of industrial heritage and attractive tourists, 26 Latvian and Estonian industrial heritage objects initiate project „Revival of Industrial heritage for tourism development”.
Project has ambitions to revise the industrial heritage resources in the West-, North- of Latvia and Riga regions and South- and West-Estonia territory and to build the tourism product – joint route with thematic sub-routes, which demonstrate industrial heritage and tell the history in an attractive and participatory way.
The project objective is to revive industrial heritage for the tourism development through awareness raising about the industrial heritage value and importance in diversification of tourism offer in our regions, as well as establishing the cooperation network among tourism related stakeholders of the industrial heritage in Latvia and Estonia and building the bridge with European Network of Industrial heritage.
The project “Industrial heritage” will help to develop and improve sites according to the nowadays visitors’ needs and expectations – in a live, attractive way both – with entertainment and education elements. At last but not least, the sites will be combined into joint industrial heritage route and promoting among the local and foreign target markets. The route „Industrial heritage” will cover five different thematic sub-routes: mills and hydroelectric power stations, old manufacturing sites, railway heritage, lighthouses, water towers.
On 17th and 18th May the involved partners will meet together in Dundaga, Latvia, in order to initiate the implementation of the ambitious project.
Industrial heritage monuments in the world are success story in the field of tourism. For example, Verla groundwood and board mill in Finland finished activity before 50 years ago, but it is still well-preserved example, while Fagus factory Alfeld (Germany) a 10-building complex, which is still operational shoe factory today, as the side product offers inspection tours, exhibitions and concerts for visitors, both sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage list.
Project connects Kurzeme, Vidzeme and Riga planning regions (Latvia), West Estonia and South Estonia tourism associations and objects in all these regions. Project „Industrial heritage” investment of 1 143 135 EUR is financed under the INTERREG cross-border programme Estonia- Latvia 2014-2020 and co-funded by the government, the local governments and entrepreneurs. The duration of the project is two years.
The above reflects author’s views and the Managing Authority of Estonia-Latvia Programme is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Maija Bebre
Tel. +371 28665571