In the lead-up to the European Parliament elections on June 8, 2024, the Kurzeme Planning Region, in collaboration with the youth multimedia studio “Frekvence” at the Saldus KOPtelpa, organized youth discussions about the European Union and the European Parliament. As part of the “NOTE” project, three discussions were led by Gvido Mēteris, an active young person from Saldus municipality, and featured participants Ance from Saldus municipality, Elīna, and Dāvids from Kuldīga municipality. They discussed various issues important to young people related to the European Parliament and the European Union.

Episode 1 of the NOTE Project Podcast: What Opportunities Does the European Union Offer?

What do young people associate with the European Union? What opportunities does it provide? Which of these opportunities have young people already utilized or plan to use in the future? Are there any additional opportunities that the European Union could provide for its citizens?

Episode 2 of the NOTE Project Podcast: What Current Issues Should Be Addressed in the European Parliament?

Why is it important to be part of the European Union and be represented in the European Parliament? What issues should be addressed at the European level? Should educational institutions provide education about the European Union? Should young people be granted the right to vote in European Parliament elections from the age of 16 or 17? Why vote in the European Parliament elections, which will be held on June 8, 2024?

Episode 3 of the NOTE Project Podcast: Youth Knowledge and Interest in the European Parliament and How to Promote It?

How knowledgeable are young people about the European Union and the European Parliament? Do they follow the decisions made by the European Parliament? How can the decision-making process of the European Parliament be made more transparent and understandable? How can young people learn about the European Union and the opportunities it offers? How can these opportunities be utilized?

More about the Project:

“NOTE” stands for the Network of Organizations and Towns for European elections. It is an initiative from 11 EU member states within the framework of the CERV program. We represent citizens, municipalities, and civil society organizations from: Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Croatia, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Belgium, and Germany.

The project is funded by the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the Kurzeme Planning Region, and under no circumstances can it be regarded as reflecting the official position of the European Union or the European Union’s Education, Audiovisual, and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

More about the project:

Official European Union website:

Information prepared by:
Laura Homka
Public Relations specialist

Views and opinions expressed however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Uion or EACEA can be held responsible for them.