The project aims to increase efficiency of lake resource management and governance.

Target groups:
- Local municipalities that are managing lakes or waterbodies;
- Ministries that are responsible for environment protection, fish resources, recreation and planning;
- Education and research institutions;
- NGO interested in or working on nature resource management;
- Environmental education and training centres;
- Institutions that are responsible for protected areas.
Project duration:
- March 1, 2021 – February 28, 2023
Project budget:
- EUR 981 754,99 (including EUR 834 491,70 ERDF co-financing)
Project Partners:
Lead Partner – Kurzeme Planning Region, in cooperation with 8 partners from Latvia and Lithuania: :
- Durbe County Municipality,
- Brocēni County Municipality,
- Aizpute County Municipality,
- Talsi County Municipality,
- Ventspils County Municipality,
- Nature Conservation Agency,
- Directorate of Biržai Regional Park,
- Directorate of Žemaitija National Park,
The project involves 8 lakes and one pond in Kurzeme region, Latvia and 3 lakes in Northern Lithuania.
Lake exploitation rules will be developed for Durbe and Usma lakes. Study of pollution in Usma lake will provide information about the contamination of the lake. Nature management plan will be developed for Tosmare lake. Action Plan for Improvement of Water Quality will be developed in Plateliai lake.
Habitat management activities will be implemented in Būšenieku, Tosmare lakes and Kirkilai karstic lakes. Reed cutting equipment will be purchased and reedland management will be ensured in Cierere, Remte, Brocēni, Platelieai and Usma lakes. Cleaning of water reservoir ‘Dzirnavu dīķis’ on Tebra river in Aizpute town will be done to stop overgrowth and improve ecological conditions. Two local cleaning events will be organised in Širvėna lake for picking up the garbage from the lake. Water level loggers for groundwater monitoring will be purchased for use in Tosmare and Platelieai lakes. Navigation equipment for Ciecere lake will be set up, including information stands, buoys and navigation signs. Security camera system for strict protected nature reserve Moricsala in Usma lake will be set up to allow monitoring of the Usma lake aquatorium in the Moricsala. Reconstruction of sluices will be done in Sasmaka lake and Dzirnavu pond on Tebra river in Aizpute town.
Educational campaign for limiting the use of phosphorus in the project region will be implemented by creating animated movie, application for phones, smart brochures (with QR codes) and educational program that will be disseminated in schools in the project region for education of children. Also, educational campaign about amphibians will be organised in Kurzeme to draw the public’s attention to the disappearance of amphibians (e.g., toads, frogs). Mobile exhibition about the development of lakes and their nature values will be organised and exhibited in 8 locations. Nature Conservation Agency from Latvia will develop educational programme about waterbody ecosystems (including species identification guides and computer graphics that explain the creation and development of lakes) and offer lessons to schools at the Nature Education Center in Slītere, Liepāja and other places, as well as offer developed methodology to schools for use in biology lessons. Educational room with equipment, interactive game and materials for laboratory will be established in Biržai Regional Park as well.
The above information reflects the opinion of the author and the Managing Authority of the Latvian-Lithuanian program is not responsible for the information.
Project webpage:
Information prepared by:
Ligita Kokaine
Project manager
Cell Phone: + 371 26586604