This season and also further on the Industrial heritage route and the guidebook will help the tourists through amazing industrial heritage sites in Latvia and Estonia.
Industrial heritage Guide book and the thematic maps
The Guide book “Industrial heritage for tourism in Estonia and Latvia” and the maps are available in 5 languages for donwload in the Projects webpage as well in the Tourism information centers in Latvia and Estonia.
Project home page industrialheritage.travelThe maps are also available in 5 languages: Latvian, Estonian, English, Russian, German for download:
Interactive map
You can easily see industrial heritage sites on the interactive map. There is information about each site and its tourism offer as well as its location, description, photo galleries and 360 degrees virtual tours are available.
Interactive mapRevived and new industrial heritage sites
There are 9 new sites created and 16 sites are developed as attractive tourism destinations:
- New sites in Vidzeme – Jaunpils watermill, Bīriņu castle watertower;
- New sites in Kurzeme – Airītes Station, Aizputes water -viewing tower, Kuldīga needle tower.

“Our water towers are being transformed into fascinating viewpoints, our lighthouses and factories have been enhanced with amazing expositions and our unique narrow-gauge trains still run. For today’s digital generation, these relics of the Industrial Revolution offer a unique ‘wow’ factor and insight into our countries’ entrepreneurial past”
Altogether 25 industrial heritage sites were developed: many of them were reconstructed, the orienteering signs were installed for safe visitors journey (for example, Aizputes watertower, Baloži peat narrow gauge railway), the safety were improved, information stands installed, new educational programmes created and for example, Ovīši lighthouse, Kuldīga Needle tower can be proud of new hands-on elements in their exhibitions for visitors. Many of sites have developed new interactive expositions and interactive stands (Jaunpils watermill, Rappina paper factory etc.), installed QR codes, new computers, monitors for the exposition display. Some of the sites have developed historical clothes and uniforms (such as Līgatne paper factory workers flat, Haapsalu museumrailway), new webpages and attractive videos (for example, Rideļi mill and Gulbene depot). 2 new passenger carriage restaurations (Baloži peat narrow gauge railway and Haapsalu museumrailway) and 2 new dresines for visitors entertainment got Gulbene depot and Tootsi peat factory. The restoration have undergone old machinery in Ķoņu and Rideļi mill and Limbažu tīne. Zilaiskalns Z-tower has developed 3D stories for visitors.
Video stories and photos
The videos and pictures will help to learn about the industrial heritage in Latvia and Estonia– lighthouses, mills, railway heritage, factories and watertowers.
Industrial heritage
Railway heritage
The Photogalleries with more than 80 high quality pictures about Industrial heritage sites in Kurzeme made by Ivars Salmanis. Please feel free to use them with the text ©Kurzeme planning region, Ivars Salmanis
Link to Photo GalleriesAbout the project
The Project “Revival of industrial heritage for tourism development” was implemented under INTERREG Estonia – Latvia cross-border programme 2014-2020 and we ensured that 25 objects in Estonia and Latvia were improved and giving them a new life. In addition, there was established a joint route to demonstrate the industrial heritage and unite all the industrial heritage objects as well as represent other industrial heritage sites.
More information on project:
FB –
YT –
Est-Lat home page –
Information prepared by:
Jana Kalve,
Kurzeme planning region
the “Industrial Heritage” Project manager
mob. +371 29524558,
The above reflects author’s views and the Managing Authority of Estonia-Latvia Programme is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.