In the very end of the 3rd progress period, project’s partners and steering group members met in North-Latvia. The partners shared information what they have done within this period, and all together discussed about future of the project and next steps.
April 10 and 11 was marked in the calendar as important dates for the project “Industrial Heritage” partners. Almost all met in North Latvia to share their expierence, works has been done and what are still ongoing. All together were discussing also next steps within marketing activities and how to develop the project. Also this time the programme was busy with sightseeing visit – partner’s objects: Ķoņu mill (Ķoņu dzirnavas_ and Gulbene depo, and also other sites: Rūjiena ice-cream factory (former dairy), Gulbene-Aluksne banitis narrow gauge railway and old stations (Stameriena, Kalniena), and also guest house “Bille” (hydroelectric power station).
All meeting’s participants also congratueted Sorve lighthouse members to be involved officially as the partners in the project. The Sorve lighthouse will add information stand, and also provide signs and binoculars in the viewing platform in the lighthouse.
As well the project “Industrial Heritage” is included as a part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage”, showing the importance of the project and need to be popularized more.
The above reflects author’s views and the Managing Authority of Estonia-Latvia Programme is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Maija Bebre
Projekta vadītāja
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