To facilitate the development of nature tourism in border regions of Latvia and Lithuania, by improving infrastructure and tourism products, i.a. adapting them to people with disabilities.
a) Local and foreign travellers
b) Tourism entrepreneurs and service providers
c) Local municipalities and nature parks
d) Non-governmental sector uniting people with disabilities
1 May 2017 – 30 April 2019
1 176 867,14 EUR (icnluding funding of the European Regional Development Fund 1 000 337,07 EUR)
The Project is implemented by the Lead Partner – Kurzeme planning regionin cooperation with 10 partners from Latvia and Lithuania:
Directorate of Aukstaitija National Park and Labanoras Regional Park, www.anp.lt
Directorate of Biržai Regional Park, www.birzuparkas.lt
Durbe County Municipality, www.durbe.lv
Administration of Kretinga District Municipality, www.kretinga.lt
Kuldīga County Municipality, www.kuldiga.lv
Roja County Municipality, www.roja.lv
Saldus County Municipality, www.saldus.lv
Skrunda County Municipality, www.skrunda.lv
Ventspils County Municipality, www.ventspilsnovads.lv
Directorate of Žemaitija National Park, www.zemaitijosnp.lt
The Project focuses on facilitating sustainable tourism in border regions and Latvia and Lithuania to stabilise and increase the number of visitors and overnight stays in the region by:
1. new tourism products and improvement of existing by promoting them and making them more accessible for all travellers;
2. appropriate marketing activities promoting project territory as a single destination for diverse nature experience (guides, maps, web);
3. management of nature objects (investments (3 watching towers, 7 pontoon piers, 19 info stands, 1 parking lot, 3 resting areas, 6 walking trails equipped with various edutainment elements) in 10 nature territories, incl. 5 within NATURA 2000 and near them);
4. paying attention to products for people with disabilities (infrastructure improvements as well as info in Braille and audio solutions);
5. supporting local business and development of qualitative environment for living and work of different social groups, incl. with disabilities.
The uniqueness of the project is to develop the accessibility to nature objects for travellers with disabilities.
The above reflects author’s views and the Managing Authority of Latvia-Lithuania Programme is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained there in.
Project Manager
Alise Lūse
Phone No.: +371 26567874, alise.luse@kurzemesregionslv
Latvia – Lithuania Cooperation Programme webpage www.latlit.eu
The Project description has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the description are the sole responsibility of Kurzeme Planning Region and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union