Within the framework of the “NOTE” project, the “NOTE Toolbox” has been created, which is a compilation of recommendations and advice for conducting free, informed, and fair elections in Europe. The “NOTE Toolbox” was jointly developed by the project partners from across Europe. It is intended for local and regional authorities, as well as local stakeholders involved in promoting EU values, and is designed to inspire local authorities, local promoters, and civil society organizations throughout Europe to facilitate fair and equal elections.
NOTE” stands for the “Network of Organizations and Towns for the European Elections”. It is an initiative from 11 EU Member States in the framework of the programme CERV. We represent citizens, local governments and civil society organisations from: Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Croatia, Latvia, Spain, Lithuania, Belgium and Germany.
Follow us on the social media: https://www.facebook.com/projectnoteeuropeanelections
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