LLI-010 UniGreen

Starting with May 20, Kurzeme Planning Region is starting a campaign #takoKurzemē to promote active lifestyle. Its aim is to invite all and everyone to go outdoors, learn about nature and hike in Kurzeme together with sharing the pictures and impressions from hiking on social media – Facebook, Instagram or Draugiem.lv, using the hashtag #takoKurzemē. Once a week we will choose one lucky hiker, who will receive a special gift from the project Nature Tourism to all – a bag with a useful hiking stuff. The campaign shall last all summer long and during the campaign period the hikers are also invited to hike in the trails of Lithuania, in this case using the hashtag #takaisperLietuvą.

Winners shall be announced every week at the Kurzeme Planning Region Facebook profile and webpage www.kurzemesregions.lv, by sharing the trail pictures posted by the winner.

On Facebook, Instagram or Draugiem.lv everyone is welcome to post both, simple and ordinary pictures with one’s hiking adventures, as well as beautiful nature views. And we shall, of course, be excited to see also some special and extraordinary shots.

To get more information on nature trails in Kurzeme and North Lithuania, study our new Guidebook, which contains information on more than 80 trails and is also available at all Tourism information centres in Kurzeme and North Lithuania. In the Guidebook, trails accessible to people with disabilities, seniors and families traveeling with baby-strollers are highlighted in green, therefore we would be particularly happy to invite the disabled persons, seniors and, of course, the whole family to take part in the campaign.

Hikers may also find a useful guide for nature trails in Kurzeme and North Lithuania at our home page section – Nature trails, with trail descriptions, audio and video materials, as well as GPX routes.

Nature trails in kurzeme and north lithuania

Project activities are being implemented with the support of the Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020.

Information provided by:

Alise Lūse,

UniGreen Project Manager
Kurzeme Planning Region
Tel.: + 371 26567874, alise.luse@kurzemesregions.lv