Good career skills are key elements for young people in aiming at stable integration into working life and sustainable careers. Tour4Youth programme offers young, 15-24-year-old tourism, hospitality, and restaurant students or graduated unemployed people a three-step, personally supported program to achieve this goal.
To develop the career management skills of the youth in the tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sectors, a dedicated online course is launched today, on the 1st of February 2024. The free, self-studied, online course in English offers a route to building self-awareness and empowerment, analysis of opportunities, planning the actual employment and career, and taking action to achieve a desired job.
The first part of the career management course focuses on self-awareness and empowerment by posing the question ‘Who am I?’ Through analysis of values, motivation, and other essential issues, the participant is guided through learning about themselves, and how their strengths can contribute to creating a desired, quality career in the tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sectors. The second part ‘Where to go?’ will be launched on Thursday 8.2., the third part ‘How to do it?’ will be launched on Thursday 15.2., and the final fourth part ‘How to take the steps?’ will be launched on Thursday 22.2.
Upon completion of the course, a certificate of the gained skills is provided. The online training course will allow skills to be displayed on CVs, thus boosting employment opportunities. Overall, the focus of the three-step Tour4Youth programme is on developing young people’s career management skills and integrating them into sustainable, quality careers in the tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sectors.
– The project team is very happy to provide this online course! We eagerly look forward to how the course serves the participants and also to any insights into the topic. The course is developed in collaboration among the three countries and five partners to provide a holistic approach to career management. The course will be developed further based on the received feedback to provide novel knowledge and learning, says Project Manager Tiina Leino from SAMK’s Tourism Development Centre.
The online course Career management in tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sectors is available at SAMK open Moodle Please register for the course with your name and a valid email. You will receive a registration validation email, and after validation, you can start the course. You can take the course in sections or smaller parts also and continue later to pursue the completion of the course. Skills badges and a certificate are available upon completion of sections and the whole course. You will receive them by email to the address, which you notified upon registration. Enjoy the course!
Organisations are invited to engage participants in work in the tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sectors
– We invite organisations to participate in the programme! As the integration to society lies in integration to working life, we are putting effort into finding suitable candidates for your tourism, hospitality, or restaurant sector organisation – no matter what size or type! This programme provides great opportunities to welcome newcomers and perhaps the first non-native employees into the organisation. The project staff offers support in all the stages, both for participants and organisations, says Project Manager Tiina Leino.
The e-learning supports the 4-8 weeks’ work and training placements that the project enables either in one’s own country or other countries (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, [Sweden]) within the programme area (Figure 1). Financial support for these is provided according to programme conditions.
Encounters with job seekers and employers in the sector will be established at local and European events. The activities are free of charge for both the young people taking part and the companies. The next event, RekryBoost, is held on 6.2. at 10-13 in Agora-hall at SAMK, Pori, Finland.
Organisations can sign up for the programme by filling out the questionnaire in the link.
Signing up for the OrganisationsParticipants can sign up for the programme by filling out the questionnaire in this link.
Signing up for the ParticipantsParticipants and organisations are matched through the submitted replies.
More information:
Kurzeme Planning Region
Agnese Lāce
+371 28381229
Additional information
The Tour4Youth project develops a multifaceted approach to developing the career management skills and employment of young people aged 15-24 in the tourism, hospitality, and restaurant sectors. The aim is to enable sustainable and quality careers in the regions. Actions include online training on career management skills, networking events, and work or internships at home or abroad. Businesses have an important role in offering opportunities.

A joint project between Finnish, Estonian, and Latvian partners will provide links to the Central Baltic region. The network of educational institutions, employment authorities, and regional developers already involved will enable achieving the common objectives. Cooperation between the programme areas in this area is important, as the region is a single destination and shares a common labor market. A new, holistic approach will provide young people with individual and sectoral support in cross-border and multidisciplinary cooperation throughout their journey, beyond the current standard procedures.
Tour4Youth is funded by the Interreg Central Baltic programme with a total budget of € 782 000. The duration of the project is 1.8.2023 – 31.10.2025. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences is the lead partner of the project. The project partners are Kurzeme Planning Region in Latvia, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences in Latvia, Satakunta Employment and Economic Development Office, and Pärnumaa Vocational Education Centre, Estonia. More information about the project:
More information about the programme area in the Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027: