More than 60 participants – project partners, municipalities, tourism specialists, water tourism entrepreneurs, national level tourism bodies took part and were introduced with the project content.
Here you find presentations from the meeting!
Project „Riverways” objectives, challenges and expected results
Aiga Petkēvica, Kurzeme planning region administration, Project manager
Project activities in the South – Estonia
Elo Mets, Valga County Development Agency, Project coordinator in Estonia
Project activities in Laane county (West Estonia)
Andres Huul, Lääne County Development Centre, Manager
Video >> Welcome to Haapsalu and Laane County
Project activities in the Riga region
Challenges of the water tourism development in Riga region – central part of Latvia by the Gulf of Riga
Liesma Grīnberga, Riga Planning region, Project coordinator
Project activities in the Vidzemeregion
Cooperation – opportunity for water tourism development in Vidzeme region
Ineta Puriņa, Vidzeme Planning region, Project coordinator
Project activities in the Kurzemeregion
New water tourism products in Kurzeme – basis for diverse water and active tourism opportunities
Aiga Petkēvica, Kurzeme planning region, Project manager
Role of Latvian tourism development agency in promotion of active and nature tourism
Armands Sloknenbergs, Latvian TourismDevelopment Agency
Active and nature tourism trends in Estonia
Imbi Rüütel, Theme Manager (Nature Holiday), Estonian Tourist Board/ Enterprise Estonia
Water tourism from the perspective of entrepreneurs
Rolands Melbārdis, Active tourism centre “Eži”
Water tourism from the perspective of entrepreneurs
Levo Tohva, Adventurer, blogger, lecturer, entrepreneur and developer