our team

Aivara Priedola foto

Aivars Priedols
Chairman of Kurzeme Planning Region Development Council

+371 28001180

Māra Zusta foto

Māris Zusts
Vice Chairman of Kurzeme Planning Region Development Council

+371 63807260


Evita Ozoliņa
Head of administration of Kurzeme planning region

+371 67331492

Linda Baumane
Lawyer / Procurement Specialist

+371 29142669

Ingeborgas Bordānes foto

Ingeborga Bordāne
office administrator

+371 67331492

Samantas Stružas foto

Samanta Struža
office technical manager (extended leave)

+371 67331492

Lauras Homkas foto

Laura Homka
public relations specialist

+371 26454574

finance department

Ilzes Vāverītes foto

Ilze Vāverīte
Head of department

+371 67331492

Evitas Taupmanes foto

Evita Taupmane
Project Accountant

+371 67331492
+371 26588777

Attēls nav pievienots

Eva Estere Tiltiņa
Project accountant

+371 67331492

Public transport department

Induļa Ozoliņa foto

Indulis Ozoliņš
Head of the department

+371 29536560

Anna Vērdiņa
Transport network planner

+371 27000178

Planning department

Ingunas Tomsones foto. Redzama tumšā kreklā ģērbta sieviete ar melnām brillēm, tušiem, īsiem matiem.

Inguna Tomsone
Head of department

+371 26552939

Ivetas Blauas foto

Iveta Blaua
Project manager, expert in planning and regional development

+371 26822779

Alla Kudiņa
Project manager, expert in planning and regional development

+371 29484999

Project department

Aigas Meri foto

Aiga Meri
Head of project department

+371 67331492

+371 29483674

Aijas Neilandes foto

Aija Neilande
Project manager

+371 26147139

Alises Lūses foto

Alise Lūse
Project manager

+371 67331492
+371 26567874

Anna Vērdiņa
Project manager

+371 27000178

Anetes Jansones foto

Anete Jansone
Project manager

+371 26355733

Anna Elizabete Upsava
Project manager

+371 26369876

Attēls nav pievienots

Andra Kauliņa - Ostrovska
Project manager

+371 26482633

Ligitas Kokaines foto

Ligita Kokaine
Project manager

+371 26586604

Viktorija Reine
Project manager

+371 28232978

Zaigas Gailes foto

Zane Meldrāja
Project manager

+371 29206098

Zane Gusta
Project Manager

+371 25608806

Attēls nav pievienots

Inga Hartika
Project Coordinator in Tourism and Marketing

+371 26678815

Agnese Lejniece
career consultant

Jānis Puga
Gis Specialist / cartographer

+371 29536560

entrepreneurship center

Agneses Lāces foto

Agnese Lāce
Regional education coordinator

+371 28381229

Signe Bumbiere
Entrepreneurship Promotion Specialist

+371 27189990

Agnese Berģe
regional coordinator of remigration

+371 20478252

Kurzeme culture program

Evitas Taupmanes foto

Evita Taupmane
Project manager

+371 67331492
+371 26588777

Projects implemented by kurzeme planning region
